In order to use the popular phrase RTFM (read the "friendly" manual), someone has to write this documentation first. The knowledge base is the place where we try to gather all the information regarding the construction, use, maintenance, modification and potential expansion of the Nettigo Air Monitor. We hope that the resources gathered here will be useful
As you probably know, NAM is quite a young and very dynamically developing project. Because its open nature (Open Source / Open Hardware) public documentation is very important. We try to keep it up-to-date, but keep in mind that we do not always succeed. Writing documentation and creating tutorials takes time.
We have moved documentation for our projects to this site in May 2022. Older documents are not reviewed, there may be a lot of broken links. In this document these old docs are listed in separate section.
Complete kits can be purchased at You can also source all the components yourself. We've made sure the Bill of Materials are complete down to the last screw:
NAMF is a software loaded into the ESP8266 microcontroller, which is the heart of the Nettigo Air Monitor. The NAMF-2019 code is approximately in 90% based on the Sensor.Community ( project. We are currently rewriting the firmware and making a lot of changes. The resulting NAMF-2020 branch contains more and more of our original code. Firmware is actively developed, new functions are added. You can follow the history of changes on github.