You have all parts You've got received from
. In few moments You will build Your own smog sensor. I assure You this is a simple task, You will follow steps taken by hundreds people before You. All of them are also interested in raising smog awarness.
Most important componnets are
NovaFitness SDS011
(measuring PM2.5 and PM10 dust levels) and
Bosch Sensortec BME280
measuring temperature, humidity and pressure or
Sensirion SHT31
measuring temperature and humidity.
Controller board (
NodeMCU v3
) was checked by Nettigo and it has already Sensor Community firmware installed.
Kit's contents
Electronic components:
Mechanic parts:
Electrical components assembly
Prepare following elements:
From jumper wires separte 4 wires. Try to keep them together. We will use brown, red, orange and yellow.
Next connect all 4 wires to temperature sensor. Both BME280 and SHT31 have the same pin order, and similar names. Only VCC on BME280 is named VIN on SHT31. Other pins have the same names - GND, SDA and SCL.
We have connected yellow wire to VCC/VIN, orange to GND, red to SCL and brown to SDA
The other end of jumper wires connect to NodeMCU as follows:
From the remaining 6 wire bundle, tear off the next 4. We have used green, blue, violet and grey. Connect them to socket on SDS011. Grey to TXD, violet to RXD, blue to GND and green to 5V. Note - there is a
My oderwaliśmy zielony, niebieski, fioletowy i szary. Przewody te podłączamy do złącza czujnika pyłu SDS011. Szary do TXD, fioletowy do RXD, niebieski do GND, zaś zielony do 5V. Note that there must be one free pin between GND and 5V.
Connect cables to nodeMCU as follows:
Mechanical assembly:
To nodeMCU board connect USB cable. Next, using short cable tie mount nodeMCU board to SDS011 as on following picture. Use hole on SDS011 marked as J31 and hole on the left of microUSB connector on nodeMCU.
Place hose on SDS011 air inlet. Using second short cable tie bind hose, USB cable and jumper wires to temperature sensor together.
Drag USB cable through one of hydraulic elbows. Next place all electronic components inside hydraulic elbow. Make sure that SDS011 fan is oriented towards bottom. Such orientation prevents dust accumulation in measuring chamber over time.
Put second elbow inside first one. You can moisten the gasket to make that a little easier.
You are done, Your sensor is ready to be configured!
What next?
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 06-05-2021